Monday, September 29, 200812:49 PM
So the whole F1 is finally over. It's like a huge part of my life is over just in 2 days. Wow.
The whole F1 experience did change my life pretty much. But I realized that there are a lot more things that mattered so much more to me. All these fast and flashy cars and glitz and glamour don't matter a single thing to me.
I could live without an exciting life full of punch. But there are certain simple things in life that I can't live without.
While I was standing in the pit holding Lewis Hamilton's flag and looking at Lewis Hamilton standing right before me doing his shit, I got excited for a while. Like "
Shit that's Lewis fucking Hamilton standing right before me!! That dude with his face plastered on my Nescafe coffee can and on Tag Heuer ads every freaking where!!!!"
But after a while when the pain of my soles and the heat got to me, and after looking at him for long enough, it just suddenly occured to me that there were so many things that were so much more important to me than getting to meet Lewis Hamilton in person.
It's just that at that point in time, all I wanted was to leave the place and do something more important. Like meet Amran or something. Because no matter how much I looked at Lewis Hamilton and all the cameras snapping away at me and all the cars zooming here and there, all I felt was some bit of excitement, but nothing more. The whole scene just became a scene that temporarily came alive from a movie, or storybook.
Just temporary and fleeting. Nothing special. Maybe special in it's own superficial ways. But that's about it.
i want my freedom back. but i forgot what it was in the first place.
Friday, September 26, 200810:32 AM
So many interesting news on the headlines these days!
Saturday, September 20, 20085:53 PM
So now cannot eat Meiji ice cream. But eat Meiji biscuit can? I love Hello Panda and just finished a box of Meiji strawberry Hello Panda!
Reading about all these news about the whole melamine tainted food products from China just makes me smirk. And it makes me smirk even more when I think about how there are these "atas" China people who scorn Chinese Singaporeans for not being able to speak our native tongue properly.
Well here's my retort. Yes I, and other Singaporean Chinese, might not be the perfect Chinese models. But at least we try our best to be morally responsible to the rest of society as this is the basic responsibility as a
human being. I don't know about you atas China people, but to me, not endangering the lives of others because we want quick success too much, is way more important to me than speaking Mandarin well.
Srsly aren't yall tired of always being such a fraud? With all your cheap fake goods, even the Olympics has so much fakeness in the performances just so it can appear more impressive than it really is. Now fake protein in milk, causing the deaths of 4 innocent babies, and possibly many more in time to come. Is it your culture to be superficially impressive with no substance within at all?
We may not be able to speak Mandarin well, thus on the surface we may seem like lousy Chinese. But I can proudly say that we have a lot more substance and realness in the things that we do, and we take deserved pride in the things that we do because we put in effort to make it real.
You, take pride in anything and everything even your grandmother's old slipper. You all are so overtly patriotic over everything in your country, always trying to strive to impress and doing it the easy way. Always too proud to admit any mistakes, until it is too damn late.
We're not like that. Hmph! pffftt..
Incidentally, less is indeed more. Now that America is under some kinda financial turmoil, it also indirectly means that they are gonna have less money to fund the fucking Iraq war! Yay more pressure for them to stop the damn fucking war!
Less money, more peace. =)
Sometimes I wish my dad could see things that way. The dad who scorns at my character of being easily contented.
this is honeymoon period so i cannot stop blogging about him
Friday, September 19, 200810:26 PM

I think you look good here!
12:18 PM
I woke up this morning with a smile on my face and a very fresh disposition. Simply because the first thought that came to my mind was you. The knowledge that I have you.
I think it's safe to say that I'm only this <--> close to loving you to bits.
Incidentally, Reddy I hope you read this. Fuck off and get out of my face permanently. You don't know the shit you say and that was overboard.
something he did to cheer me up
Thursday, September 18, 200812:02 AM

His phone next to CHE GUEVARA. Yes Che Guevara. Happy now?
when the old give way for the new
Monday, September 15, 200810:23 AM
So we went to check out 39 upper pickering street today. But there was nothing there anymore, save for a construction site.
A Saturday
Sunday, September 14, 20081:53 PM
Yesterday, Saturday, was a very eventful day, mostly because it was my first date with Am as an official couple. We weren't even meant to go out cuz I was supposed to be hosting a stupid mooncake show. But what happened was my co-host made me wait for 2 whole hrs and I just thought, "ah fuck it! i'm just gonna skip the show and go out with Am." Lol.
So Am was with me at that time because he's the sweetest person in the world. He lives in Portsdown, which is Queenstown area, but he woke up at 7.30am just so he can go to his parents' place in Pasir Ris to borrow their car and drive to my place at Yishun to pick me up and then drive me back to Simei so I didn't have to wake up so early since I have my own "personal chauffeur". ;)
So we had a very nice and chill Saturday afternoon. We went to eat Katong laksa, then we went to the National Museum, where some exhibition about post-war material artifacts was being displayed. It was quite a cool exhibit, because of the meanings being portrayed. What it was trying to say that after war, there is peace and most of the time, some form of wealth, where people emerge stronger and try to build a better future for themselves. But at the same time these materialistic desires become weapons of desire. They may not be direct weapons of war for killing. But weapons of desire might just eventually lead to another form of war, where people desire and fight for power and wealth.
I took some pictures of some of the exhibits.

I told him that sometimes I like wearing outlandish clothes out just for the fun of it. He suggested to me this. Ha! That's actually JPG's reinvention of the camouflage uniforms.

We saw this old advertisement for an extinct brand of irons. And they had the address of the company there. And we decided to go to the stated address one day to check out what company occupies the unit now, just for the fun of knowing. In fact one day is actually today. Ha.

A pretty Vespa from the post war period at the exhibition.
There was this other exhibit at the museum which we didn't have time to finish viewing. It was kinda like a preview of short films on different aspects of life in SG. I only had time to watch one, which I felt very touched and inspired after watching. I knew I just had to come back and watch the rest. So we're coming back on the next Sunday.
Srsly no one else can appreciate museums like I do. =)
We went to catch The Banishment at The Cathay which we both felt was waaayyy too slow. Though it was a nice reflection on most marriages today. But too many random scenic moments. And he fell asleep and i dozed off too at some points in the movie.
Then it was off to meet the Nicsome, CLARE, and the horny man. We caught the new Will Ferrell movie, Stepbrothers. I just have to say that it's HILARIOUS. Srsly. Judd Apatow is a real talent with dry humour about losers like that.

And then after that we just went Timbre to chill, eat pizza, drink beer.

Goldfish eyes rolling.

Haha check out their faces. =.=''

So there you have it for an eventful Saturday.
a thought
Thursday, September 11, 20085:05 PM
Friends become strangers, and strangers become friends. And this vicious cycle continues on and on and on and on.
This post is for dewi and myself
Wednesday, September 10, 200810:20 AM
Let's just hope and have faith in whatever comes our way because everything happens and does not happen for their own reasons and even if we do not necessarily like what the results are we know that we can still gain something good from it.
I dunno why but I always start feeling like those sorta gypsy dreamy women after talking to Dewi.
'twas a life changing night
Tuesday, September 9, 20089:36 PM
Taxi taxi please pick up.

Jo + Dewi

And then my life was changed.
like ashes
6:02 PM
The tattoo on my ass is healing and scabbing at the moment. So the skin and the scab keeps flaking off everytime I take off my pants. It's like ashes falling off my body, since the ink is black. I'm not kidding. Kinda gross.
Sigh my heart feels heavy. Simply because my feelings are a huge whirl rotating all over the planet and I don't like that feeling. =(
Monday, September 8, 20086:38 PM
Cannot breathe cannot breathe!!!
new ink!
Saturday, September 6, 20081:07 PM
Second tattoo on my right ass. It's half done though.
Believe me I was in great pain for this one. So I tried to distract myself from the pain by watching tv.

Lots of shading to be done...Since it's a realism/dark side tattoo. THUS THE PAIN!!

From far.

Nearer a bit.
Incomplete tattoo, but already damn chio right?? Only the black parts are being tattooed, cuz it is already quite tedious with all the detail and stuff. So gotta finish it up on another day for the sake of Derrick's poor back and my poor butt meat.
Stay tuned for the completed one! It's gonna be beautiful. Woots!
lol i'm seriously so retarded
10:53 AM
This guy messaged me on facebook and I just couldn't resist replying.
Vernon Sim
Add as Friend
September 4 at 9:40pm
Report Message
hiyeeee Esther
I am Vernon, just throught of dropping by to say hi *blush
I would like to ask you out for a drink/coffee some time...my hp is at 96911500...yours? Drop me a sms/call can can? cos its real slow
in here....it's more spontaneous to correspond via mobile...
Rest assured, I won't bore you :) you won't run away seeing me too...i hope..hehe :)
Esther Low
Today at 10:52am
cool. but why do you want to ask me out for a drink some time? have u selected me for some secret conspiracy to end the world before it's time? or have you included me in your plan to save the trees? and if it is any of the above, why me?
haha let's see if he even replies.
tricky's album is the shit!
Thursday, September 4, 20081:17 PM
I just got Tricky's latest album, Knowle West Boy (God knows why he named his album this), and it's just pretty damn awesome.

His sound in this album sounds very classy and sleek, and yet funky at the same time. Also there are more melodies instilled into his music, which is pretty unlike his older music which is more of rap and beats.
It is some awesome dope for chilling and I seriously do not regret getting this album. I give it 4 stars! But if you are not a fan of electronica, then it would take some acquired taste.

This is Tricky and if he were Chinese, he would look just like my dream guy. It's not that I'm racist or anything la. But I believe that same races dating each other will be easier due to mutual understanding of our own culture. But I definitely won't mind if a black guy like Tricky wants to date me too! XD
Tuesday, September 2, 200810:35 PM
Why do some people just have to complicate matters for nothing? Makes me angry.
Monday, September 1, 20083:58 PM
C*r*s: I ask u sumthin, ans honestly k... Do u tink we cn hv a chance to go on a relationship?
ME: Nope. Sorry abt that. I prefer girls right now.
C*r*s: Huh, wat u mean dear?
ME: I mean that I'm lesbian! Lol.
C*r*s: Sigh, nvm then i respect ur decision......
Lol i'm such a bitch.